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Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Kyle and Jennifer's Wedding in Shetland

Our son, Kyle, and Jennifer were married in Shetland on June 15. They went to Cyprus for their honeymoon. Here are a few photos of a very special time.

(click photo for larger image)

Southern tip of Mainland, Shetland

The Happy Couple

Cliffs of Eshaness, northwest Shetland

Seth and Caleb

Tombolo at St Ninian's Isle

Sumburgh Airport

Laura, Leanne and Marina

Lerwick, looking up to the town hall on the hill

Viking ship in Lerwick Harbour


Cameron Rose said...

cracking photos! Such a lovely wedding, and such a joy to be part of it.

Jan Versweyveld said...

Thank you very much for the news and the photos of the Loron Christians.
Jan Versweyveld from Belgium

Jan Versweyveld said...

Thank you very much for the news and the photos of the Loron Christians.
Jan Versweyveld from Belgium