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Sunday, 20 May 2012

Evangelism Update

Last week the NTM website in the US featured this update from the Loron work:

Missionaries Paul and Marina Briggs are on home assignment in Northern Ireland. But thanks to modern technology they can telephone Joel, one of the Loron church leaders in northeast Ivory Coast.

Joel was a teenager when the Briggs came to the Ivory Coast 25 years ago. He was one of the first Lorons to accept Christ when they gave the Gospel message.

Currently he is an elder in the church and is leading and guiding the believers as well as reaching out to help others understand the light of the Gospel.

When Paul called on a crystal clear cell phone connection, Joel was more than glad to give him an update on the status of the Loron church. He also told Paul about an evangelistic outreach to a small village nearby.

“Please be praying that Joel and the other Bible teachers will be able to clearly communicate the Gospel to these dear Loron folks who ‘sit in darkness,’” wrote Paul. Pray that the light of God’s grace will penetrate the hearts and minds of these tribal men and women who have never heard about the Lord Jesus or what He has done for them.”

Pray that as Joel and the others teach Firm Foundation Bible lessons that the message will resonate with the hearts of the Lorons in Gori and that they will trust Christ as their savior.

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