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Saturday, 27 June 2020

A Dander up Doan

The weather forecast said it would be a nice day on Thursday. We risked it, and they were right!

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Forty two years ago...

Marina and I were married on June 20, 1978.

The Lord has been so good to us, and we thank Him for His grace in our lives as we have served Him. We are so thankful for our four children and seven grandchildren.

'It's the Lord's doing, and it's marvellous in our eyes.'

Monday, 15 June 2020

How many commentaries on the book of Ephesians?

I just did a search on a local online Christian bookstore* for 'commentaries on Ephesians'.

I got three hundred and thirty seven results. That's right, 337!

Over three hundred and thirty books in English explaining what the book of Ephesians, or portions of it, is all about. To be honest, I'm amazed. I had no idea that there were so many books available to chose from.

Last week we put the finishing touches to the very first verse-by-verse commentary, in the Loron language, of the book of Ephesians.

It's been a thrill to see this project come to completion after so many years of study and preparation. We are now waiting for the copies to come back from the printers. Can't wait to get them into the hands of the Loron believers in Ivory Coast.

The work has already started on the first commentary in Loron of the book of Galatians.

Yes, I just checked the online store for available commentaries for Galatians. In English there are only 75 commentaries available locally! Still pretty good, wouldn't you say?

Please pray for missionaries all over the world who are translating God's word, teaching literacy, bringing the Gospel to the lost, and developing Bible teaching materials for hundreds of ethnic groups, for the very first time.

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